Welcome! No doubt you've stumbled upon this blog by accident, or you have an interest in witchcraft. If Pagans and the concept of Paganism give you the creepy crawlies, I recommend that you don't linger, though you're welcome to if you're even slightly curious. If, however, you are interested in what it means to be a witch, I encourage you to pull up a chair. I'd pour you a cup of tea or some hot cider, but that would probably cause my computer's hardware to crash, so I'll leave it at that.
Witchcraft goes back to the very dawn of time. And magic is something that is used by people almost daily, many of you not even realizing it. Every time you make a wish, or cross your fingers for something you are using a very simple form of magic. Now, that isn't to say that every time you've made a wish, something magically appeared in a cloud of smoke. While that would just be the bees' knees, that simply isn't reality. Well, you're wondering, then what is magic?
Simply? Everything.
Confused? I'll elaborate.
Everything in the universe is connected by energies and vibrations and for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. (Laws of nature still applying) if I throw my will into anything, eventually it will come back to me. For example, sometimes when I am desperately craving Chinese food, my fiance will come home bearing Chinese food without me even telling him that I want it.
The idea that what you send out in vibrations to the universe comes back to you is also the origin of karma. However, this is the most basic explanation of magic. There are many ways to enhance the energies and more narrowly direct them for a specific purpose, and that is witchcraft! These methods and many other odds and ends will be the bulk of this blog, sort of a Craft 101 if you will. The rest will be little life insights as they strike me. If you have a question or a topic that you would like explained in an entry, you may leave a comment. Furthermore the magic of magic, is that we never stop learning! Therefore, if you have a tactful correction please feel free to comment that also.
BB (Brightest Blessings)
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