Friday, August 2, 2013


Merry Evening Witchy Ones

As you all know, today is Lughnasadh. I don't feel terribly much like celebrating this first harvest feast, so I will simply compose a list of all that I am thankful for to thank the Goddess and God for their blessings. This first month of marriage with my strikingly handsome husband has been trying. I'm sure all newly weds go through an adjustment stage, but it seems that life just keeps throwing my love and I painful curves. However, I shall paint my brave face on and aim for a smile.

  • I am so grateful to my ever patient and steady husband as I try to get my feet on the ground and head out of the clouds!
  • I am forced to smile (even when I want to cry) because of the silliness brought to me by Ralph and Henry (Whose birthday it is today!)
  • I have found a new friend in my Mother in Law (and shocked the jeepers out of me!)
  • I am happy to have this wise old home to make our start in
  • I look forward to new adventures
  • I am grateful to have food that I hate cooking (because I love eating obviously!)
I'll bid you all a merry evening and hope your celebrations bring you joy and friendship.