Friday, February 15, 2013

Imbolc, as promised

Merry Imbolc!
I really got behind on posting and I know that I said that I would post rituals and traditions to make your Imbolc meaningful and fun, but since it is now Imbolc...I don't really want to hang out on the Internet all day so I am going to be brief. Here are some things you can do today that will add meaning to your Imbolc festivities!

Prepare your altar as you usually would and ask the Goddess and God to bless your seeds for the upcoming planting season

Light candles in honor of the growing Sun God and the return to warmer days

Bundle up and take a walk in nature meditating on the first inklings of new life and spring!

Clean your home both spiritually and physically- throwing away old junk, as well as stale and negative energies leaving room for positivity and new growth!

Praise the Goddess and God in all the beauty of today, as you do everyday.

I know this was really brief, and not as detailed as usual, but I'm a witch on a mission and I have Imbolc things to do!

Brightest Blessings!


Magic of Music

Good morning!

I'm currently sitting in my mother's first grade classroom working on my own assignments for college, drowning out the enthusiastic learning of her students with Greg Laswell's How the Day Sounds. Which lead me to think about music and how wonderfully it enriches our lives. How it helps us through the morning grind and gives a little magic to our day.

Music is the earliest known method of communication and remains an integral part of society today. From dropping beats, to beautiful ballads, our deepest emotions and passions are sparked with the magic of music. Music gives us a form of catharsis, a way to release the energies that we build up in our lives granting release and calm. It  builds up soldiers to do battle, gives strength to sports teams, grants wings to dancers, and provides freedom to the human songbirds among us. Music heals, it enlightens, it strengthens, and encourages. It is the oldest voice, our true voice, and a looking glass into our souls.

Music is often used in rituals because it helps those who are casting spells and communicating on the spiritual level to ground themselves and find themselves in that calm place between the physical world and the world beyond.

But it is so much more than that. Music has its own power, its own energy which lends itself so wonderfully to increase our own strength and our own will when doing ritual work or casting spells. It blocks out the negative and the distracting, and pulses with the power that surrounds us.

What kind of music lends itself best to ritual work and spell casting? Well, generally you don't really want to try to connect with the universe on a spiritual level while grooving to Shakira's latest single...I really really vibe her music, but we're more likely to focus on the lyrics than our work, our inner space and our outer space.  Generally soothing meditative music such as chants or even wordless music works best. It soothes and builds at just the right times.

If you don't already incorporate music into your own ritual work, I encourage you to give it a try! If you do, what music do you find makes your rituals into a sense sensation?

Brightest Blessings!

Friday, February 8, 2013


So, it is currently 1327 and I CANNOT sleep. I've tried it all. I have tried meditating, breathing deeply, and some herbal remedies. Nothing. No results and the ever elusive sleep. Of course, this only happens when I actually really need to sleep. I'm tired. No doubt about that. But I'm super nervous about tomorrow. Tomorrow I am attending a concealed carry class with my mother. I know, it sounds awful. Witches believe in the "harm none" rule. Perhaps that is why I am so nervous. I know my way around a gun. I've been target shooting with my dad for why can't I sleep? Does believing in doing only good to people mean that I have to be passive when someone is doing harm to me? Just let it happen? I prefer to say no. With the amount of violence erupting sporadically through my country...once the land of the free and the home of the brave...currently the land of the impoverished and the home of the freaking out, I almost feel a duty to be able to protect those around me. So many tragedies just over the last few months and they seem to be increasing in number. Do we become a statistic for the love we have for life? Do we allow life around us to be threatened by a violent few? I suppose the stance of the majority would be whatever is best for the majority is what is morally correct. Thoughts?
